1994 Oldsmobile 88 Royale, No Run and No Power Windows

This 1994 Oldsmobile 88 Royale came in with a complaint of an intermittent no run condition along with an intermittent no power window condition as well. If one system was okay, so was the other and when one was acting up, the other one was as well. This is a very common problem, and I have been waiting a long time to find one of these vehicles with condition. The problem is located under the driver’s side carpet.

There is a ground gang connector under the carpet on the driver’s side, that for a multitude of reasons fails. The most common cause is water damage like this one.

If you double click on the pictures you will be able to see the corrosion and moisture.

I removed the cover to inspect.

The internal terminals.

The damaged comb connector.

I was able to clean the comb connector and replace the damaged terminals. I packed dielectric grease into the connector to help keep moisture out and reassembled. If needed one can cut all of the ground wires loose and connect them all together using standard splicing terminals.

24 discussions on “1994 Oldsmobile 88 Royale, No Run and No Power Windows”

  1. I have a 97 bonneville which i believe has the exact same problem as the olds here, several pontiac boards are full of posts of people trying to solve the same issue. I’m sure this is my issue and will fix my problem

  2. I had the same issue with my 1997 olds 88. I got this car from a women the has had the olds to a few mechanics that couldent figure it out. I believe we got the same issue, but it runs now that I followed Sparkys information, Thanks

  3. Wow this post was amazing!! My car has been stalling all the time and windows didnt work when the car did not work. I could not find out what was the problum untill i found your page!! Thank you so much!!

  4. Thanks for a great post! I’ve been dealing with the same issue of and on for months. I had read about the ground being an issue but your pics really showed me what to look for. My fix was in the driver side ground, but I would like to inform readers there is another ground clip exactly like it on the passenger side wiring harness. I removed the clips on both sides and soldered all wires together.I’m enjoying the now dependable Olds 88. Thanks Again!

  5. Thanks for the info. You solved our mystery machine! We had the same issue on our car two days ago and your knowledge saved us! So thanks very much!!!!!!!

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