After changing my battery on my 05 Silverado Z71 my HVAC only blows heater air in all vents and all settings?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13704 Closed 2005 Chevy Silverado Z71 public

After changing my battery on my 05 Silverado Z71 my HVAC only blows heater air in all vents and all settings?
Any advice. AC was working great before the battery change.
Thanks for any help.


Chances are one of two things happened. either you interrupted the recalibration process that happens automatically when the battery is reconnected or the actuator failed during the recalibration process. Try performing the recalibration and see if the problem clears up. If it does great if not you may need to replace the actuator.

HVAC Actuator Recalibration Procedure For GM Trucks and SUVs

Thank you, I will try this when I get home. If it does not work which actuator should I replace?


I had the actuator changed part # 604106 the passenger side is now blowing cold air, I need to change the one for the drivers side as well, is it the same part #?


Yes. It is the same part number as the passenger side actuator. Just much easier to replace. 

Perfect. Thank you for your help.

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