This 2017 Buick Enclave came in with the complaints that the a/c would stop and a “message” would appear in the dash. It took a few times checking this problem out for the problem to actually occur.
There were no codes stored in the pcm related to the charging system. There were however low voltage codes stored in various modules.
I tested the charging system multiple times throughout the day and could never find an issue. The next morning I decided to take it on a long test drive to see if I could get this Enclave to act up. I was driving with the window down since it was a cool morning, when I noticed a noise coming from the front of the vehicle. I looked down at the gauges and saw the voltmeter dropping. It was about then that I also noticed the a/c was not working.

I headed by to the shop and that is where the following video picks up the diagnostics. Please remember to Like, Share and Subscribe.