2003 Ford Expedition, Charge Light On, P0620

This 2003 Ford Expedition came in with the complaint that the alternator had been replaced twice and the charge light light indicator was still coming on. The shop that had installed the alternators had called in desperation as their customer was becoming quite upset. They also stated that the light may stay out all day or only about an hour. When their customer showed up with the vehicle I was a little surprised. The shop usually sends vehicle on a flat bed and drops them off. Time to try and make everybody happy (except Me) while the customer waits(I was trying to eat lunch). I did a quick visual inspection of the wiring at the alternator and everything looked okay. I checked codes and found a code P0620 stored (alternator problem). I then looked at the wiring leading to the alternator and I saw this telltale sign. A wire with discoloration against a metal object.

The metal object in this case was the a/c low pressure or suction line that runs along the lower edge of the battery. I lifted the wiring up and could tell from the amount of discoloration that I might have found the problem.

Yep there’s the problem. I removed some more tape. Wrapped the damaged wire. Rewrapped the harness.

Installed some split loom and cleared the codes. Rechecked the system and all was okay. Back to my lunch.

42 discussions on “2003 Ford Expedition, Charge Light On, P0620”

  1. It would only cause the battery to go dead if the alternator actually stopped charging and you continued to drive the vehicle until the battery went dead. All of the times that I have encountered this situation (three times) the alternator is still charging even though the light is on. It would not cause the battery to go dead while the vehicle is sitting for an extended period of time.

  2. Amazing. Sparky this is a very formal thank you because the information you provided in connection with this issue is invaliable. I was able to idedntify & correct the problem exactly as you described. Thanks again, and I will be sure to motivate people I know to visit your site.

  3. I have the same Chk Chrg Sys indicator and alarms also ’03 EB Exp. I have not yet looked under the hood but this site seems encouraging. I will keep you posted. Thank you. Having this info makes this a much less stressful mechanical issue.

  4. Sparky!!

    Thanks much! I replaced my battery and alt only to stumble upon your site. I found the exact issue you described in your post. One of the wires was completely separated. I spliced the wire and problem solved. Thanks again!

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