2000 Chevrolet Silverado, Changing The Cabin Air Filters

This 2000 Chevrolet Silverado came in with a complaint that there was not much air coming through the vents. The customer said he thought the blower motor might be worn out. A quick look under the dash and I saw that this truck has a cabin air filter. I removed the single screw at the rear of the filter cover.

Lowered the rear edge and swung it down to release the hinge point (hook).

I started pulling the filter out and this is what I found. After sliding the first filter out, I had to pull the second filter towards me first and then pull it down.

I cleaned all of the loose debris from the hole and started putting the new filters in. First I slid it straight up and then pushed it towards the front of the truck. Installed the second filter and this one was done.

These are the old filters after I had knocked the heavy debris off.

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