Why is my car overheating

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15367 Closed 2002 2002 Silverado public

My car only overheats when the ac is on while idling. It doesn’t overheat at all with the ac on while driving. The coolant is fine there’s no leakage. We just replaced the fan, so the fan is fine. The AC compressor is fine according to a mechanic, so why is the car overheating? it takes about 10 min for it to overheat. Holding the gas pedal in park drastically makes it go back down to normal.


What is the primary indicator that the engine is overheating: gauge position, steam  or boiling over?

Gauge position


It is fairly normal for the gauge to read about 210 F on and extended idle.

If it reads that but drops back to 160 ish F while moving or bringing the rpms up it would suggest that the  thermostat is stuck open or missing.

If it drops back to 190 ish F I would be looking for debris build up between the  radiator and condenser or debris is the air flow passages of the condenser. There could also be restricted coolant flow through the radiator.

As a mechanic I would be comparing the gauge reading with scan data and actual coolant temperature with either a thermometer or infrared temperature gun. Along with monitoring air flow and coolant flow.

Hope this helps some.

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