Why is my 04 Trailblazer blowing from front vents no matter the setting it is on?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14614 Closed 2004 Chevy Trailblazer public

I have a 2004 Trailblazer. Recently, after disconnecting the battery, the vents started only blowing on the feet and the defrost. I changed the actuator and now it blows from the front vent again which is nice. Problem is, now it blows from the front vent no matter what setting I put it on. If it’s on defrost for example, it will blow from defrost and front vent. When I replaced the actuator, I made sure the gear was in the same position on the new part as the old. The only thing I could think of is the gear was in the wrong position because for some reason it will not close that front vent now. I did the process of recalibration as well after replacing the new one. Pulled all the HVAC fuses left them out for a couple minutes replace them turn the car on let and let it recalibrate with no result. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


The first thing I would recommend checking would be to make sure that the peg lines up in the notch on the white gear cog as described near the end of the following article.


If that is okay I would suspect that the defroster actuator is also faulty.

Thank you. Appreciate it. Took it back off and lined it up based on the article. Everything is perfect now. Awesome!

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