when i turn the air to the defogger position (front window)i get very low air flow, all other vents work perfectly floor, mix,vent etc the hot and cold air works good everything else works good. The only issue is that the air flow for the defogger position is about 75 percent less air flow then normal

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14218 Closed 2011 ford crown victoria p7b public

when i turn the air to the defogger position (front window)i get very low air flow, all other vents work perfectly floor, mix,vent etc the hot and cold air works good everything else works good. The only issue is that the air flow for the defogger position is about 75 percent less air flow then normal..

any ideas of what can be the issue? thanks


The most likely cause would be a faulty control panel. Most of the time when they fail the airflow goes to full defrost and nowhere else but it would be conceivable that it could also cause your problem. You will need to remove the control panel and using a vacuum diagram connect vacuum to the correct hoses for full defrost operation and check the air flow then.

If you can manually correct the issue the control panel should be the cause. If you cannot then you will have to look further at actuators, doors and vacuum lines.

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