What wrong with my truck???

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13281 Closed 2003 Ford F150 public

So i have an 03 f150 v6 200plus thousand miles on it….still runs good but drove home and parked it….get back in later to drive and wont start……continuous turning over like out of gas then realize that i have my anti theft light blinking rapidly…..and after 45 to 50 seconds it stops….then blinks 3 times then pause then blinks 3 times again and again…..then stops…..but still cant start the truck…..checked all relays and fuses and all are good…….i just cant figure this problem out……


If you have spare key try that first. Beyond that it is likely something in the theft system or a faulty PCM relay. Having the codes checked would also be a good thing to do. It could point us in a direction for diagnostics.

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