What could be going on?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15492 Closed 2005 Chevy Tahoe public

Ok on my 2005 tahoe im having a issue where my ac wont blow in the front at all. Ive changed the blower motor, resistor, swapped the climate control, changed the fuse under the hood, and even tried to recalibrate my actuator because i changed that also. Its still not blowing out the front anywhere. The back comes on and will blow somewhat cool air


There are many possibilities but I would start by checking the HVAC fuses in the interior fuse box. You need to check to make sure the fuse is good and properly powered. The key must be in the run position to check for power at fuse. Also I am providing a link that gives some detailed instructions for testing at the blower resistor.


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