Volvo v90 rear light clusters refit

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14707 Closed 2018 Volvo V90 cc awd public

Hi Sparky
Can you explain how to remove the rear light cluster on a late model volvo v90 . Mine is a 2018 car. Tx


Sorry I do not have that information. It can be obtained from the Volvo VIDA system for the cost of a 3 day subscription. Looks like the 3 day subscription is about $42 USD.

Tx. Managed to remove side trim and two retaining bolts on rear of light Bottom edge of lught Cluster fits under top edge of bumper.
There is a bump stop with bolt holding each side of top bumper. Am wondering if taking this off will allow light to come free.
Cant believe you would have to remove whole bumper assembly!

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