process to recalibrate the actuators for the hvac system in a 2003 trail blaser

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14556 Closed 2003 chevy trail blaser public

driver side vents blow warm air when air conditioning is on. some times driver side vents decrease air flow on some settings


Important:  Do not adjust any controls on the HVAC control module while the HVAC control module is self-calibrating. If interrupted, improper HVAC performance will result.

Alternate Method (w/o Scan Tool)

  1. Place the ignition switch to the OFF position.
  2. Remove the HVAC B fuse for a minimum of 10 seconds. Prefer one full minute.
  3. Install the HVAC B fuse.
  4. Start the vehicle.
  5. Wait 40 seconds for the HVAC control module to self-calibrate.
  6. Turn the ignition off for at least 10 seconds but no more than 30 seconds.
  7. Restart the engine and check HVAC operation.

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