Passenger side heat blowing cold air

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13245 Closed 2008 Chevy Suburban public

When i turn on the heat say to 78 the driver side is blowing warm but the passenger side is blowing cool air. I am wondering if there is a recalibration or something that can be done without replacing the actuator but if actuator has to be replaced how do i get to it? I replaced actuator in 2005 chevy tahoe but that was fairly easy to get to but not sure how on the 2008 Suburban since new body style. Thank you soooo much for any advice you have for me… 🙂


Since you have a heater complaint do not overlook checking the engine coolant level.

The following is the procedure if an actuator is replaced.
You can skip steps 2 & 3.
The fuse may be listed as HVAC/ECAS or HVAC BATT.

  • Place the ignition switch to the OFF position.
  • Install the HVAC actuator.
  • Connect all previously disconnected components.
  • Remove the HVAC BATT fuse for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Install the HVAC BATT fuse.
  • Start the vehicle. Do Not Touch Anything. Hands in pockets.
  • Wait 60 seconds for the HVAC control module to self-calibrate.
  • Turn the ignition off for at least 10 seconds but no more than 30 seconds.
  • Turn the ignition back on and check the system operation.

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