Passenger side AC blows hot, driver side ok

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13796 Closed 2009 Cadillac Escalade public

2009 Escalade with dual, automatic climate control blows hot air on passenger side. Driver side is Ok. The passenger side starts out OK, but then changes to hot. I replace both upper and lower pass actuator with Dorman 604-106, reset it, and it still malfunctions. Occassionally, it totally malfunctions and changes modes on both sides blowing hot air all over, up and down.


Disconnect  and reconnect the harness connectors at the passenger end of the dash. Inspect for any signs of corrosion.  Check the condition of the battery cable connections. In particular the negative cable. They are known for having poor crimp connections between the cable and the terminal. The only practical way to check this would be to flex the cable some where it enters the terminal crimp. Perform the recalibration procedure and see if the problem is gone for a reasonable length of time.

Beyond that a scan tool will be needed that can communicate with the HVAC system to diagnose the issue.

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