On my 97 Chevy Lumina, the ac works on when the gas pedal is not pressed. when your are driving down the road it only blows through the top vents when the gas pedal is not pressed down, when you press the pedal or demand for gas/power it stops blowing through the top vents, let off the gas it blows and works through vents. Do you have a idea what it going on?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15594 Closed public

On my 97 Chevy Lumina, the ac works on when the gas pedal is not pressed. when your are driving down the road it only blows through the top vents when the gas pedal is not pressed down, when you press the pedal or demand for gas/power it stops blowing through the top vents, let off the gas it blows and works through vents. Do you have a idea what it going on?


The problem is being caused buy a vacuum leak. Most likely a rotten vacuum hose under the hood.

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