On my 2002 Chevy Suburban the blend door actuator is cycling between cold and hot.

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14785 Closed 2002 Chevy Suburban 1500 public

With the temp control dial in full cold setting, the blend door actuator opens fully to hot air. With the temp control set to full hot the blend door opens to full cold. Any temp settings between full hot and full cold, the actuator cycles back and forth between full hot and full cold, stopping at each extreme for a few seconds. I have replaced the actuator and it does the same thing. Is this a calibration issue? I have read many forums and I haven’t seen this cycling issue yet.


Does your Suburban have auto or manual controls for the HVAC system?

Manual controls


I have been searching for an easy diagnostic routine for you but have found none. It is a fairly difficult routine in that a voltmeter is needed with the appropriate small backprobe adapters and the connectors can be difficult to reach.

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