No heat.

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13923 Closed 2004 GMC Yukon SLT public

Performed HVAC recalibration first time I felt heat come through the ducts during the process after recal it did not work. second time it just had cold air coming through dash ducts. Rear heat works fine.


Just to cover the bases make sure the engine coolant level is not low.  Being a quart to a half a gallon low can cause insufficient heating in the front heater.

2005 Chevrolet Tahoe, No or Erratic Heat

If you have dual temperature controls check the vent temperatures on the driver’s and passenger’s side of the dash.  Are they the same or different?

These articles should help explain what to check.

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe Blows Hot Air

2005 Cadillac Escalade, Driver’s Side Vents Blow Hot Air, A/C On

2006 Chevrolet Silverado-Driver’s Temperature Door Erratic

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