My ac is not cold

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15700 Closed 2015 Chevy Silverado public

I think everything is good up to the controls I feel like it is one of the actuators but not sure


Anything could be possible but I would need more details from you about what is going on that makes you feel like it is an actuator issue. The most common cause of loss of a/c cooling in your year model truck is loss of refrigerant due to a leaking condenser. Many times a visual inspection will find an oily film on the lower driver’s side corner of the condenser. If you  happen to have access to a UV light you could shine it in that area and see a yellowish green glow from the system dye.

I will look and see but I tried to add coolant and is showing full

After checking with black light no leaks


I would really like to be able to help you sort out this problem but I have to repeat this “Anything could be possible but I would need more details from you about what is going on that makes you feel like it is an actuator issue.“?  I am not psychic and cannot check your vehicle myself so I need as much supporting information from you so I can figure out a diagnostic path forward.

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