IP ShutDown

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14441 Closed 1997 chevy c1500 w/t public

I have a 97 c1500 4.3 180k on it, the IP shutdown…no tach, spedo, odometer, gear indicator light…trans may be stuck in 3 or 4 when driving not sure…pulled fuse 20 did a test with ignition on and it was 12 v…thought it might be the ignition switch…truck seems to start, run fine other than the problems listed…thanks

Sparky…I just did a little more diagnostic work and I think all is well…at least for the moment…the tach, speedo, odometer and gear indicator light came back on…I only moved the PRNDL fuse in and out…replaced it and then put the original back…everything but perhaps the fuel gauge came back to normal…the solution if it is one seems all too easy!!! I could not get a read from the top of any fuse…could be my test points are too large…that said…thank you for your time and input…very. very helpful!!! Roger


You might have a light layer of corrosion or oxidation on the fuse and or terminals that was causing a poor connection.

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