I have question about an older post from May 19,2012, “2003 Ford Focus, Runs Hot, Cooling Fans Inop,Part 1”

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14641 Closed 2003 Ford Focus public

I too have 2003 Ford Focus SP1 2.0 SOHC. The original problem was alternator was defective. I replaced alternator but now AC blows hot air and fans don’t come on. All worked fine before I replaced the alternator. I see from your original post you use a scan tool that list real time conditions from the PCM. Such as ” Fan Control Low – On” and list multiple other on/off or hi/low conditions. Can you suggest a scan tool such as the one in that original post that offers those real time diagnostic features? I currently have a simple OBD2 scan tool that just provides codes. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.


The scan tool I used in that article was an OTC Genisys. There are a lot of used ones out there and they can be had from for around $200 and up. There are many modern DIY tool out there with the same general capabilities but you have to make sure that they will read vehicle specific live data.

Thanks for the follow up. Sorry for the delay in responding. Once I get my new scan tool I will keep you posted in what I find. I dont believe it is relay or fuse issues. I have swapped out all relays with new ones relating to the cooling fan circuit. I am almost positive it is “pre-check conditions” that the PCM looks for prior to sending the command to the relay to engage the clutch on the compressor.

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