HVAC temprature output problems

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14458 Closed 2016 chevy silverado public

I have a 2016 silverado with dual climate control. I’m experiencing a huge HVAC temperature output by just changing the dial setting one degree.
I ran a scenario and this is the data i received. I put a temperature gauge on my vent to get these readings. I did not have the a/c compressor turned on when i ran these test. The outside ambient temperature was 67 degrees. Now i don’t expect the output to be perfect, but this is an issue when i’m either hot or cold driving to work with no happy medium temp. Last night i thought i would try some sort of calibration i read online. I turned the key on, set my temp to 80 degrees and made sure the “auto” button was on. I then turned the key off, unplugged the battery for 2 hours. I then plugged the battery back up, started the truck, and noticed the temperature was set to 69 degrees and the heating and cooling system was turned off. I turned the heating and cooling system on and drove for 60 minutes ( on my way to work). Still didnt fix the issue.

Testing Results:
1. I drove the truck for 30 minutes
2. I set the dial temperature to 70 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 72 degrees.
3. I set the dial temperature to 75 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 79 degrees.
4. I set the dial temperature to 74 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
5. I set the dial temperature to 75 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 84 degrees.
6. I set the dial temperature to 88 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 140 degrees.
7. I set the dial temperature to 60 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
8. I set the dial temperature to 70 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
9. I set the dial temperature to 72 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
10. I set the dial temperature to 72 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
11. I set the dial temperature to 73 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
12. I set the dial temperature to 74 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 70 degrees.
13. I set the dial temperature to 75 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 84 degrees.
14. I set the dial temperature to 76 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 91 degrees.
15. I set the dial temperature to 77 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 100 degrees.
16. I set the dial temperature to 74 degrees, waited 5 minutes, my vent temperature output was 79 degrees.


I see nothing wrong with the data you collected. The only thing I can assume is that you don’t have a full understanding of how the system works. When you select a temperature setting you are not commanding a desired temperature out of the vents. Instead you are selecting what temperature you would like the interior cabin temperature to be. The system uses the interior temperature sensor located in the headliner above the driver’s head  to determine what the actual temperature in the cabin is.

So when the outside air temperature is 67 degrees and you want the interior temperature to be 88 degrees the system will add a near maximum amount of heat to the system to quickly bring the interior temperature up to 88 degrees.

The reason why the vent temperatures did not drop lower than your recorded temps when you commanded 60 degrees is because you had manually commanded the compressor off. If the compressor had been on the vent temperatures would have dropped into the 40’s.

Hope this helps.

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