HVAC recalibration issue

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13086 Closed 2004 gmc Envoy public

I was getting warm air from driver side and cool from passenger side. I performed the hvac recal. as described on your website. After installing fuse and starting vehicle it did not auto set to 74 degrees it went to 94 degrees and very slowly went down to 82 degrees and held steady. I then tried disconnecting the battery and once again to 94 degrees and down to 82 and held steady. both ways I heard no cycling of air between any vents. After doing this the air is only coming from the floor when set to passenger vents.


Assuming your system has auto temp and it is set up to read Fahrenheit I would think that there is a problem with the HVAC control panel. With Fahrenheit setting the scale tops out at 90 degrees.  Also the readout should stay steady and not fall at any time without an adjustment from the driver.

The recommendation would be to read the codes and examine data if possible. Then check to make sure power, ground and communication signals are all okay. If all are good the control panel will need to be replaced.

It may be best to take your vehicle in to a local shop to have this kind of testing done.

Be prepared that one or more of the actuators may also need to be replaced once the system can enter recalibration properly.

I am going by the reading for external temp. I didn’t touch anything on the controls as stated by the instructions. I also tried pulling the fuse on my girlfriends 03 Trailblazer with same auto and duel climate control and the outside temp. read 114 degrees. prior to doing anything to try to recalibrate when I set auto it would default to floor vents but would switch to front vents when selected. I am assuming the actuators for the floor and drivers side may need replaced?


I have never seen one default to the outside air temperature. However with that said the most likely cause of your vent control concern is the mode actuator.

2003 GMC Envoy, No A/C Vent Control, B0263

2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer, Identifying Heater A/C Actuators

I agree it is probably a faulty mode actuator , I think it was weak and me disconnecting the battery sent it over the edge.

I enclosed from the owner’s manual about the outside temp.

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