Hvac mode door operates opposite of controls. Vent goes to floor and floor goes to vent

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13777 Closed 02 chevy trailblazer public

I replaced my mode door actuator because it was clicking and now every time I operate the controls, vent goes to floor and floor to vent. I have manually verified position of the doors and made sure my actuator is working. It does work but goes the opposite way. The part was bought from the local Chevy dealer. I’ve also tried the reset on the hvac system and no dice. It doesn’t appear that I set the cam in wrong because it appears to only fit one way. I’m out of ideas…. Save me!

Side note: I also replaced the defrost and blend actuators. At some point the control unit was replaced as well


Any chance that you can provide the part numbers of the installed parts? Particularly the control head and the mode actuator.

control head dorman 599-211
mode actuator 89018539
I have no history on when the control head was replaced. I’m told it was done 3 times before but i can prove that

i meant can’t prove that


I will need to look into this some. It concerns me that Dorman states that their control panel covers multiple years including yours when GM says that 2002 is a year by itself.

any new ideas?


My assumption is that the mode actuator was working correctly before you installed the new one except for the clicking noise. If so there are only two answers. The actuator and cam mechanism are incorrectly installed or the new part is faulty. The odds point to improper installation. Having a scan tool that will communicate with the system would shed some light on the situation by looking at the commanded door position versus the actual position. The only other thing that may point to the right answer is comparing yours to a working vehicle. The problem is that the 2002 year model is unique and no other  year models use the same mode actuator set up.

As far as the cam being installed wrong, I dont think thats it. I removed the thing 4 times in an attempt to reinstall in different positions but there was NO way for that to happen. When actuated the motor was sent the opposite way but other than that was fully functional. Only thing I can think of is the control head is sending the wrong signal. Ill keep digging but thanks for the input

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