How many and locations for HVAC actuators?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13972 Closed 2001 Chevy Tahoe public

My tahoe blows cold air out of all front vents (during this past summer, I noticed some warmer air coming out, but now its cold again. This includes the defroster as well (always cold). I have flushed out the heater core, but that really didn’t help). I’ve tried the calibration procedure, but that did not help as well. Fan works Selector works, just only hot air, so i guess my actuator(s) are bad?


On your Tahoe there is only one temperature door actuator. It is located under the passenger side of the dash just above the transmission hump on the floorboard. It is very similar to the one in the following article.

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe Blows Hot Air

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