2001 Buick LeSabre, How do I reset my heater control?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15412 Closed 2001 Buick LeSabre public

Replaced one actuator, and now it’s all out of adjustment


Actuator Recalibration

Calibration Procedure

Use the following steps to perform the calibration update:

    1. Turn OFF the ignition.
    2. Remove the HVAC Batt fuse in the rear fuse box.

Important:  The module memory will not clear if the battery positive voltage circuit fuse is installed in less than 60 seconds.

  1. Wait 60 seconds.
  2. Install the fuse
  3. Start the engine and Do Not Touch anything.
  4. After allowing the engine to run for a couple of minutes turn the ignition off for at least 10 seconds but no more than 30 seconds.
  5. Restart the engine and test system operation.

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