How do I recalibrate the blend door actuator on a 97 Silverado?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15469 Closed 1997 Chevy Silverado K1500 public

My 97 Silverado would partially blow air (mostly heat) from vent to floor. The actuator on driver’s side would only turn a little bit when air direction was changed. Replaced actuator and now it will not turn at all. I checked the linkage and it is movable to wear air can be diverted to the individual parts.


There is no recalibration procedure for your year model truck. What was the part number of the actuator that you installed?

I’ll attach pictures of both.

The box of the new actuator.


According to Dorman that is the correct actuator so at least an incorrect part should not be the issue. I would recommend re installing the old actuator and see if partial control returns. If it does the new actuator is likely faulty.  If it too does not work at all, you will need to use a multimeter and do some testing at the actuator and the control panel.

After looking at the two parts more closely, the new actuator had 4 pins on the connector…the old one had 6. I took it back to AZ and the new one will be in tomorrow. Not sure if that will make a difference but it’s worth a shot.

Thanks for the advice, by the way!

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