How do I manually switch the Heat Blend Door Actuator from cold to hot & vice versa?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13099 Closed 2001 Toyota Z public

The heat went out in my 2001 Toyota Highlander Limited about 2 weeks ago (air only blew cold). I took it into regular shop I always use amd they said they believe the issue is the heat door actuator, amd that it has gotten stuck on cold. I have been out of work since end of October 2017 so we do not have enough $ to replace it right now.
One of the guys there manually moved the door to heat but it has been getting warm so instead of taking it up to shop tohave the switch it again, I was hoping someone could tell me or walk me through moving the actuator back to cool manually ?


Chances are they disconnected the harness connector after getting the door in the desired position. The following article shows where the actuator is located and that is where you should be looking.

2003 Toyota Highlander, A/C Stuck On Heat, Part 1

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