How can I manipulate shut my vents by my feet from the outside air?

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15674 Closed 2000 Gmc jimmy public

Bottom center is blowing outside hot air I can’t shut them.


Does the a/c work? If it does not and you just have hot outside air coming while the truck is moving then you may want to try putting the system in recirculation mode. If recirculation mode does not work you should check the vacuum lines under the hood on the driver’s side of the vehicle at the firewall area.

So I replaced the actuator with a brand new one me but my question now is so I have to calibrate the new one? If so how? 2000 GMC Jimmy


Okay, the only recalibration procedure is for a system that has auto controls. It only applies to the temperature door actuator. If your vehicle has manual controls a recalibration is not possible or needed.

The following is from GM service information with a little bit of added information from myself.

Re-Calibrating Actuators After Power Loss

Calibration of the electronic climate control (ECC) module occurs whenever B+ is removed and then restored to the ECC module. During this calibration process the ECC module will automatically command the temperature door to the full HEAT position and then to full COLD position. The ECC module records both the minimum and maximum door positions and uses this data, which is in counts, to determine temperature door settings based on customer selected temperature settings.

Important:  Do not select or use the scan tool HVAC menu during the ECC module calibration period or the ECC module will not calibrate properly. Also not touch anything other that the fuse and the ignition switch during the procedure.

If the ECC module has been interrupted by scan tool operation the temperature door will become inoperative. If this should occur then:

  1. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.
  2. Disconnect the scan tool from the data link connector (DLC).
  3. Remove the RDO BATT fuse for 10 seconds and then reinstall the fuse.
  4. Place the ignition switch in the RUN position and wait 40 seconds for the ECC module to initialize.
  5. Turn the ignition off for at least 10 seconds but no longer than 30 seconds. 
  6. Turn the ignition back on and test the temperature door actuator operation. 

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