Electrical on a 88 gmc

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15491 Closed 1988 Gmc Serra 1500 public

Ok the blinkers turn the left turn signal on works fine turn right every light flashes ie gauges, ac controls and both sides blinkers turn on the driving lights and the right side just stops I have replaced the chip boards in the tail lights, the flasher relay, and the multifunction switch, put a bulbs in checked fuses and also found that the small bulb on the right is getting power to both negative and positive sides ran most of the wire on the out side of the plastic tube and nothing is pinched or broken

Thank you for your time I found the problem it was a piece of a old light in the connector crossing the terminals


Glad you found the issue. My recommendation was going to be to check the front turn signal sockets and bulbs. I am assuming that is where you found a piece of solder form another bulb?

Yea it was in the socket crossing the terminals

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