Dual Automatic Climate Control System

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14445 Closed 2008 Yukon Denali public

I just replaced my AC climate control unit and my AC is not working I took it to an auto shop and they said that the unit had to be programmed to my car. Is there away of programming it without taking it to a costly dealership???


I am going to assume this is what is going on. The system seems to work in every way except that the compressor does not come on. There are either codes or data that points towards a problem with the evaporator temperature or pressure sensor. If the above is true then yes the control panel will need to be programmed to your vehicle. The reason being is that the replacement control panel will work in several year models. The later model vehicles utilize an evaporator temperature sensor and the control panel is programmed for those vehicle. Your vehicle does not use that sensor and therefore the programming has to be changed to delete the need for the evaporator sensor. There are many shops that perform programming beside the dealership. You will need to check your area to see who can perform this service for you. The average programming charge will be in the $100 to $150 range.

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