Defrost Only

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15238 Closed 2002 Chevrolet Silverado public

Whenever I turn the A/C on it is stuck in defrost only. I have looked up what it could be and It says it’s the mode acuator. Everyone is saying that it’s out of place (the white teeth are in place with the black teeth) so I put them together and everything starts to blow where it should! Until I put the mode on defrost and it gets stuck on defrost again. I repeat the process and it still gets stuck on defrost. My question is do I need to replace the acuator or is it a different problem?


Sorry for the delay in responding. Most likely the actuator is faulty  and it is the most cost effective place to start the repair process. There are a few other things that could be at fault. Poor harness connections, HVAC control panel, other actuators, temperature sensors and incorrect installation. Incorrect installation can include the wrong replacement part number or misalignment of one of the two or three door lever pins. Normally I would encourage you to take it to a shop to have HVAC codes and data read but it will cost you less to just replace the actuator. Especially since you have already taken it out and reinstalled it several times already.

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