Blend Door Actuator

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15251 Closed 2014 Chevrolet Silverado High Country public

How can I tell which blend door actuator I need to replace. It is my understanding I have 2. The passenger side will at least blow cool. The drivers side blows noticeably warmer. I have already attempted to calibrate them, but am not certain I even pulled the proper fuses. I could not locate one that had ECAS in the main fuse box under the good.


Quick questions.

Is the driver’s side vent temperature just warmer than it should be or is it hot?

Can you adjust the temperature setting and make the air hotter (engine warmed up)?



The drivers side is warmer than the passenger side.


You did not answer either one of my questions . Please reread and answer to continue.  From your initial question I understood that the driver’s side is “warmer” than the passenger side. There is however a huge diagnostic difference between warm and hot. If you can adjust the driver’s side controls  and make the air hotter (with a warmed up engine) then you do not have an actuator problem you have a refrigerant problem.

The coolant levels have been checked and verified to be full. When problem first began I took to local AC repair and they checked for leaks, removed all refrigerant, replaced one of the valves, pulled vacuum, replaced all refrigerant, determined that it wasn’t a refrigerant issue. They then clamped off a line that was leading into the cab of the truck that he said was causing heated water (I believe) to interact with the cooled air because a blend door actuator wasn’t functioning properly. When he clamped off that line both sides became significantly cooler. I believe he said it was somewhere near 57 degrees at the vents. The passenger side blows cold air. The drivers side does not. I can always raise the temperature I just can’t bring the drivers side down to where the passenger side is. And I am mistaken on number of actuators, it appears there are actually 3. I just can’t find which one controls which aspect of the cooling system.


The driver’s side temperature door actuator is located under the passenger side of the dash above the transmission hump in the floor pan. Similar to the one shown in the following article.

The fuse used to perform the recalibration should be labelled F26DL in the left instrument panel fuse box. It should be a 10 amp fuse.

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