a/c blows hot air

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13316 Closed 2000 Chevy Silverado 1500 public

The a/c system blows hot air when the I try to run the AC i checked the compressor and seems good no leaks and is holding freon, cannot figure out what the problem is


Check to see if both a/c lines that enter the firewall on the passenger side of the vehicle are cold with the a/c on for several minutes. If they are equally cold then the problem is with the door controls on the inside of the vehicle. If they are not cold check to see if the a/c belt is on and the front of the compressor is turning.  If one of the lines is substantially warmer than the other and the compressor is cycling on and off the refrigerant level is low.

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