2012 Enclave blend door actuator replaced, calibrated, still only hot on passenger side

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15197 Closed 2012 Buick Enclave public

Hi Sparky!

We have a 2012 Buick Enclave that has been giving us some problems over the last couple years with the HVAC system. I have replaced the driver side actuator (thanks for your help!) and just replaced the passenger side today.
The passenger side will not blow cold air. It is an automatic control setup, and everything else seems to work normally – can switch from upper vents to lower, defrost works, etc. When the temperature is moved low (60°F) to trigger on the AC the driver side woks well, while the passenger side keeps blowing hot air.
I’ve followed your instructions to calibrate the new actuator (I don’t even think it was the actuator at this point as with the old actuator the function was the same), and I still can’t get cold air to come out of the passenger side.
Any ideas?


The best solution would be to have the codes and data read so you can see what the computer sees. Beyond that there are a few things you can do. Number one is that you can visually check the passenger door actuator to see if it is moving or trying to move. Next you can move the passenger  temp door actuator and physically move the door shaft with you fingers and see if it moves and the temperature changes. The last thing to check would be to visually inspect each actuator while someone else performs the recalibration.  There are four actuators and if any one of them fails during the recalibration procedure the procedure stops and any actuator that is after the failed actuator in the process will not recalibrate and therefore will appear stuck.  This is another reason for reading the codes and data. If there were a code for one of the other actuators such as the recirculation or mode actuators you would know to check and replace that one before going any further.

I just tried AutoZone and came back with no codes thrown. 🙁

I’ll give the other suggestions you gave a try in the next couple days and give an update. (I know that I can move the door shaft, but I didn’t check to see if that changes the temperature…)

Thanks for the help!


As far as I know scans at parts stores will not work with the HVAC system. They are OBD2 engine and sometimes ABS.

After doing a little research online I see that there are four actuators, one being for recirculation. I jumped in the car and hit the recirc button and it blinks three times and goes off. I wonder if that is the offending actuator.
(and, of course, I can’t find any pictures or videos online where that actuator is situated…I’ll have to poke around)


Hmmm, It seem like I mentioned in my first reply that there are four actuators and specifically mentioned the recirculation  and mode actuators.

There are four actuators and if any one of them fails during the recalibration procedure the procedure stops and any actuator that is after the failed actuator in the process will not recalibrate and therefore will appear stuck.  This is another reason for reading the codes and data. If there were a code for one of the other actuators such as the recirculation or mode actuators you would know to check and replace that one before going any further.”


Here is link to an article that may help with replacing the recirculation actuator.



Thanks, Sparky! I switched around a few of the actuators – finding one that I didn’t see thanks to your help! – and it’s working now!

Thanks for the tips and the help! I am now more familiar with the underside of the dash than I ever wanted to be!

Thanks again!

Mike S

PS I’m quite the beginner at working on cars (and obviously cheap), where would I find someone that has the kind of code reader that you are talking about in your post?


Glad to have helped.  There are a lot of variations on a tool that can do the job but most will be in the hundreds to thousands of dollars.  I could help you narrow down some choices but would need an idea of your budget and if you have other vehicles that you would want to work on.

That’s okay, I was more hoping where to find one to have the codes read – or to borrow. We only have the one car that gives us much trouble.

I’ll be checking out other postings to see if you have anything on fixing a passenger seat heater.

I keep trying to throw you some cash, but PayPal isn’t playing nice…

Thanks again!

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