2004 Trailnlazer Clicking in rear

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13135 Closed 2004 Chevy Trailblazer EXT public

I changed the 2 actuators in the rear as you described and calibrated them and the clicking stopped for a month but now they started again on startup they click through their cycle then stop, they seem to work fine after that, I tried re-calibrating and it didn’t help what can I do? Is it possible that both went already? Thanks


The first step is to pull the rear covers and determine if one or both actuators are clicking.  That will also allow you to observe the shaft and what it is doing. This should allow you to confirm whether the problem is internal to one or both actuators.

Its definitely both one is louder than the other, I hear the one go through the cycle then the other goes but I will try and take it apart this weekend again and let you know



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