2003 Chevy Tahoe Front HVAC

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#14753 Closed Tahoe public

Hi Sparky

a few years ago ( or maybe more) i was having issues with my front blower motor and bought a control module after finding your information on the web. I changed out the control module and i was back in business. Out of sight/out of mind, i havent had any issues with it until recently. Now when i am driving (acclerating) it blows a little but when comes to a stop it wouldnt blow. I went back on your sight and realize that the older blower motors may not be as compatible with the control module i replaced years ago. Do you suggest i swap out the blower motor only or should i do a new control module and blower motor or do you think it could be something different all together? Thanks for your time



Those vehicles are getting old and developing some other issues, so I would recommend inspecting and testing as outlined in the various articles related to the front blower on that series of trucks.

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