2003 Chevrolet Tahoe Dual Climate Control

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13976 Closed 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe public

Sparky my initial problem was that the dual climate controls on my Tahoe would not operate properly. It will either blow all cold (AC) or all hot (Heater) on both sides with no in between blend no matter where you set the dials on the controller. Will not start moving the actuators from all cold (60) to all hot (90) until it gets to the (80) range on the controller, will keep moving the actuators until it reaches the limit. If changing back from all hot to cold the actuators will not start moving until the (68) range and will move to the limit before stopping. You can set the contols say at (72) and the actuators will just set to the position they are at for however long you want to wait. I have replaced both actuators and the control head. I have performed the calibration procedure multiple times now and the results are the same. Calibration test was where you remove the HVAC/ECS fuse for 1 minute. I am at a loss now. I was told it could be the temp sensor inside the car but do not know where that is located or what it looks like to know I got the right part. Can you help me ? I am now at a loss as how to proceed.


I would be leaning towards the interior temperature sensor as outlined in the following article.  You really do need to look at data and codes to be sure though.

2009 Chevrolet Silverado – Poor Heat If Temperature Set Below 90°F

The part number is 22834330 and it is referred to as a cabin air temperature sensor aspirator.

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