2001 ford ranger blows #2 fuse

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#13657 Closed 2001 ford ranger public

I have the same problem you have discussed in the forum I have check the wiring in the steering Colum, I cant find any bare wires at all I did find a factory plug that looks that has been overheating and is dark brown in one spot I don’t know if this is the problem or not I believe is the o/d switch . but I will tell you that after putting all together the fuse doesn’t blow until I get over a bump or I put the shifter all the way down into low gear 1 then I can hear it blow it out at that point can it be the o/d switch plug or maybe at bad transmission neutral switch?


I would try disconnecting the O/D switch harness and see if the short goes away.  The shorted are can sometimes be quite difficult to see and may be very minor.

Also upload a picture of what you suspect to be the problem with the connector that looks overheated.

thanks again this page helps a lot.

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