1999 Chevy Express Van Driver’s side Brake light

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#16181 Closed 1999 Chevy Express public

The middle bulb is only using the tall filament. With the lights on and the brake off, the driver’s side middle bulb is on – only tall filament. With the lights on and the brake on, the driver’s side middle bulb turns off.
With the lights off and the brake pressed, the middle bulb comes on, tall filament only.

The right side works correctly but it does look different as if some has rigged it by placing a wire within the bulb socket!


Most likely the socket has a bad internal ground and the socket will need to be replaced.

2002 Chevrolet Express Van Stoplights Inop / Erratic

Thanks for replying. We’ll try that!

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