1997 Ford F150 will not start by ignition switch

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15642 Closed 1997 1997 Ford f150 F150 public

1997 F150, 2 wheel drive, automatic transmission, v6, shorted. Truck will not turn over using the key switch. AC fan won’t blow, interior lights won’t work, turn signals won’t work, everything else works fine. Bypassed the starter solenoid with push button switch. Truck will start that way and drive, but the listed problems persist. Replaced main brain, fixed the fuel pump, replaced neutral safety switch, almost every relay in it, GEM replaced, ignition switch replaced, still won’t start normally, turn signals still won’t work, AC fan won’t work, but will if power is bypassed. Put a used GEM in it, same problems. Does the GEM need to be programmed? Any ideas why the truck won’t start without the bypass? I’m thinking it’s a security issue, but don’t know how to fix it. We could use your help. Thank you! Brian Thompson


I would suspect a blown fuse under the hood. There is a 175 amp mega fuse at the passenger rear of the engine compartment and several maxi fuses in the underhood fuse box.

Tested those too.


A security system fault would not also cause the blower and turn signal issues. Check fuse #21 in the interior fuse box. Make sure that the fuse is not only good but that it is also powered when the key is cycled to the crank position. If thee is no power at that fuse when you try to start the engine with the key then you will need to check the power inputs to the ignition switch. Also check the terminal condition at the ignition switch harness connector. There should be constant power on the large yellow wires and the large green wires(possibly with a color tracer). If you are lacking power on any of those wires and you are sure the fuses are all good then I would recommend looking at the inline harness connectors behind both kick panels. I have seen a few cases where there is either heat or corrosion damage in those areas.

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