1989 Chevy C2500 – Dash Light weirdness

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#15897 Closed 1989 Chevy C2500 public

Previous owner had a cab-over camper installed and did an awesome job of butchering the wiring. I’ve cleaned up most of his “improvements”, but I’ve still got this dash light weirdness —
-Ignition on, headlights off — the radio and clock lights are on (normal)
-Ignition on, headlights ON – the radio and clock lights turn off
-NONE of the instrument cluster lights work at all, which seems like a big coincidence for all the lights to be burned out, so I suspect they’re part of this mix

Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting? I don’t have a clue how the previous owner could have caused this weird condition.


Check to make sure the “panel” fuse is present and good. Next turn the headlights on and make sure the panel dimming switch is set to full bright. Check to make sure the fuse now has power on it. If the fuse is properly powered and it is good then you likely either have all of the bulbs blown or a wiring issue. If there is no power at the fuse and the outside park lights work, you likely have a faulty panel dimming switch or damaged wiring connector at the headlight switch or panel dimming switch. your will need to proceed to inspecting/testing the switches.

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