Question I have is regarding the brake relay that’s above the power booster which runs to the back of the truck where’d looking to the rear lights my question is there’s five wires coming from that location but only 4 wires going to the plug what is the of number 5 wire go to go to

ID Status Date Year Make Model Transmission Type A/C Controls Public/Private
#16022 Closed 88 Chevy C 1500 public

There 5 wires that run down the frame to the rear tell lights which turns into four wires going to a plug what date what is the fifth wire that comes from the relay


Okay, so I had to dig out a set of old wiring diagrams to look into your question. The relay that I referred to in an article about a problem on a 1994 truck  does not appear in my wiring diagrams until the model year 1994. I suspect that the relay you are finding in the same general area on your 1988 truck is an auxiliary battery relay. I am assuming you have a USA market truck. If you still need help, please upload an image of the relay and list the wire colors going to it. Also list whatever concern or problem you are having. I may be able to help some with that information.

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